Yoga Applications In Cancer Treatment
The cure of cancer through yoga methods , says a specialist in San Antonio , Texas , cancer in a seminar in Oklahoma City in the 1980s .
But physicians refused to acknowledge the cure , said Col. Hansa Raval , MD , a pathologist with the U.S. Army . Dr. Raval said her work in cytotechnology _ a diagnostic branch of medicine designed to detect early stages of cancer _ was fruitless until she began researching the use of conventional methods of treatment .
The specialist said he witnessed the use of Raja yoga and meditation cure crippling arthritis , headaches and even cancer .
And even though Raval offers proof , which she said was collected during two years of study at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in India , has been rejected by other members of the medical profession as a kook .
Yoga success as other treatment methods for hypothesis Raval proposes that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic .
This is not singing or chanting, the doctor said . It is not based on scripture . There is a cult . Not biofeedback . It's more than that . This is a full proof method of meditation , a detailed understanding of what the soul .
Raval said that medical schools belittle the study of methods of conventional cancer treatment in favor of conventional methods such as radiation , chemotherapy and treatment through machines .
Medical schools teach students that the human body only . But the mind has the power to heal the body . By definition , psychosomatic , a combination of mind , or soul and body .
The soul creates the disease , but the body suffers . If the soul creates the disease , the only way to cure it is through the soul . This is a very simple formula : treating the seed problem .
Moreover , parapsychology studies aimed at treating mental illness through medication .
World Spiritual University , which has branches in 30 countries , teaches peace and perfection of health and happiness through the use of Raja yoga . University gained status as a non - governmental United Nations and has offices in the United Nations building in New York .
Raja yoga teaches students to search their soul world for answers about where they came from and why the cancer entered their body . They learn what role religion , stress , family and lifestyle played in the cancer .
But physicians refused to acknowledge the cure , said Col. Hansa Raval , MD , a pathologist with the U.S. Army . Dr. Raval said her work in cytotechnology _ a diagnostic branch of medicine designed to detect early stages of cancer _ was fruitless until she began researching the use of conventional methods of treatment .
The specialist said he witnessed the use of Raja yoga and meditation cure crippling arthritis , headaches and even cancer .
And even though Raval offers proof , which she said was collected during two years of study at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in India , has been rejected by other members of the medical profession as a kook .
Yoga success as other treatment methods for hypothesis Raval proposes that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic .
This is not singing or chanting, the doctor said . It is not based on scripture . There is a cult . Not biofeedback . It's more than that . This is a full proof method of meditation , a detailed understanding of what the soul .
Raval said that medical schools belittle the study of methods of conventional cancer treatment in favor of conventional methods such as radiation , chemotherapy and treatment through machines .
Medical schools teach students that the human body only . But the mind has the power to heal the body . By definition , psychosomatic , a combination of mind , or soul and body .
The soul creates the disease , but the body suffers . If the soul creates the disease , the only way to cure it is through the soul . This is a very simple formula : treating the seed problem .
Moreover , parapsychology studies aimed at treating mental illness through medication .
World Spiritual University , which has branches in 30 countries , teaches peace and perfection of health and happiness through the use of Raja yoga . University gained status as a non - governmental United Nations and has offices in the United Nations building in New York .
Raja yoga teaches students to search their soul world for answers about where they came from and why the cancer entered their body . They learn what role religion , stress , family and lifestyle played in the cancer .