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Hatha Yoga Method

Hatha Yoga is an ancient Indian system of working with the human nervous system . Because it releases tension and endows one with renewed energy , too many 20th century people , yoga teachers included, have come to regard the Indian physicist honored as only an exercise for health and vitality of mind and body . It is that , but also much more. Hatha yoga practices are more spiritual than physical , more subtle than gross , more a means to understand the exotic way to relieve stress or limber up the body .

The sages who developed hatha yoga designed as a way to gain conscious control of our life energy , the way to go in , to align the outside so much I could find . For them , it is about a state of consciousness , of the divine life , and is a preparation for meditation .

When you perform the asanas , concentrate on feeling the flow of energy in the nerves . Sensitized yourself to know when the body has been in each position long enough to adjust the nerve currents involved . Then switch seamlessly to the next asana . It's like a dance , dance deliberate fluid . During posture , breathing using the diaphragm , not the chest muscles . Do not over stretch or force the body . Relax into the pose . Do not worry if you can not do it perfectly . Over time , the body becomes more supple and soft . Freeing the mind of thoughts and tensions . It will be more aware , more alive , more serene .

Although there are many more complex hatha yoga routines , these twenty- four asanas provide a balanced system for daily use . For the simple goal to calm the mind in preparation for meditation , this is all you need . For best results , hatha yoga should be taught personally by a qualified teacher . These instructions and drawings are meant only as a basic aid . For more elaborate regimens , inquire at a recognized school specializing in hatha yoga .

The scene of hatha yoga has a spiritual purpose - to balance physical and physical energies in preparation for meditation . Not only intends to make us young, beautiful and creative , but to help calm the mind , body and emotions we can raise awareness of enlightened and know yourself inside.
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Go Straight to Video for Yoga Training

Various yoga postures have been used as the basis for the stretching moves that are prescribed for athletes or used in other forms of exercise . No wonder , then , that the flood of yoga tapes hit the market .

There are tapes for Olympic level athletes and tapes for rank beginners . There are tapes that will test the strength and endurance , and tapes that lull you into relaxation happy .

Here's a look at four yoga tapes , from the most basic hard . You need to get started is a comfortable clothes and slip -resistant surface like a sticky mat .

You can look Video here

Embracing Power Yoga
The film , directed by coach Los Angeles - to-the - stars Mark Blanchard , is a version of yoga training camp . It's 85 minutes of constant motion challenging designed to increase strength and durability , with Blanchard led the 13 men's and women's classes .

The film is considered suitable for all levels , and there is a segment of 5 minutes at the beginning that gives a brief summary of how to do a lot of basic yoga positions on the tape .

But it was not enough for beginners , and the rest of the film is too stressful for those who are not very fit . You can tell that Blanchard was not too keen on newcomers to yoga because of neglect of the poor , looking for friends in the last line that has little flexibility .

Despite these shortcomings , the film is a remarkable exercise challenging and effective , judging from the sweat pouring out of the class members . But unless you are already in good shape - and with the rules of this movie , which means you can do push - ups , balance easily on one leg and have abs of steel - you're better off with a simple ribbon .

Yoga Zone : Power Yoga for Strength and durability
This routine provides an excellent introduction to strengthen the power of yoga postures . Taught by Lisa Bennett , carrying two 55 -minute exercise classes through .

An athlete is a beginner , others are more advanced . Beginners are encouraged to see that Bennett devotes a lot of time to helping Gina , beginner , find a modified version of a position that allows you to complete all parts of the routine . And veterans can learn a lot from his work with Charles as he guides the movement of the most challenging .

Bennett one of the main strengths is its ability to provide clear , detailed descriptions of proper form , from the knee to the outstretched arm .

Although there is hard work to be done in this routine , Bennett comforting tone and understanding of good behavior .
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3 Basic Yoga Postures and their Variations

1 . THE COBRA Do this in easy stages . Lie down , face prone legs tightly and stretched back, forehead on the floor . Raise your hand , palm down , just under your shoulders . Inhale and raise your head , pressing your neck back , now use your hands to push your trunk up in a beautiful bow bend back of the waist area of his neck . You need to go beyond this .
However , if you are flexible enough , you can now straighten your arms completely , bend your legs at the knees and drop your head back to touch your feet . Even if your head goes nowhere near your feet , drop back as far as possible and hold the posture with deep breathing . Salt posture very slowly , returning to the face prone position . Relax with your head to the side . Repeat .

2 . THE BOW This is also an extreme version of the simple bow . It is amazing how much children can do it immediately . Here , once again , gradually ease. Lying face down on the mat . If you are very thin and has a nice thick mat for this one . Inhale and bend your knees . Stretching the back with your hand and grab your ankles , keeping fingers and thumbs together outside .
Inhale while raising the head and chest , pull the ankle and knee and thigh lift off the ground . Normal breathing , trying to raise the legs and lift your head . Now is bent like a bow , balancing your body weight on the stomach . You can stop here , but if you can still stretch further , then slide your hands down your legs , lift more , keep your knees together and pull back as much as possible . Hold for a few normal deep breaths , then relax back to a prone position face down , his head to one side .

3 . THE SHOOTING BOW In Sanskrit called akarna Dhanurasana and one leg drawn like a bow shot . Sit with your legs stretched out in front and back straight . Reach forward with both hands and embracing her legs , to control the right foot with your left hand and left foot with your right hand .
Inhale , bend your left knee and pull the leg through the body , close to your chest , pointing the elbow and turn your body slightly to the right . The left hand remains firm and tight , holding the right foot . Hold posture with normal breathing , release slowly , and relax . Repeat on other side . At first it was enough to keep the bent left leg with his right hand . When this is easy , stretch down and hold the left foot with the right hand . Continue to draw on the left foot , lifting it higher on each exhalation .
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Yoga Basic Sitting Postures with Benefits

Janu Sirsasana : proper foot placement
Sit up straight with legs evenly extended in front . Bend the right leg at the knee and place the foot so that the heel in the right groin and the front of the foot touches the left thigh . Turning the foot so that the bottom of the foot facing upward and press the knee back to form an obtuse angle with the body . This position will be difficult at first , do not force it . Place a folded blanket under the knee and also under the hips . Gradually the knee will move farther. Just keep the foot in the correct position .
Janu Sirsasana : Correct , perfect posture
Having positioned the foot and knee correctly , stretch the left foot , keeping the foot firmly on the mat . Settle the heel firmly and stretch the toes . ( The heel should pull gently away from the ankle . ) Now inhale and bend forward over the straight leg , catching the foot with both hands if possible . Beginners should bend only as far as you can without rounding your back . When this posture is done correctly and completely , the body will pull forward over the extended leg , absolutely flat from the tail bone to the head . Stay there breathing normally as long as possible . Inhale , release the handhold , come up smoothly , straighten legs bent and relaxed . Repeat on other side .
Janu Sirsasana : Wrong posture
The heel is not positioned against its own thigh . Knee has not been pushed back as far as possible to form an obtuse angle . The back arched and curved because the pelvis jammed and unable to lift properly . Instead of a smooth , complete stretching of the spine, the lumbar region is about - stretched and contrived remaining backbone . Left foot on the floor .
Triang MUKHAIPADA Paschimottanasana : Seated Forward Bend pose on one leg
This posture generally follows the previous . Sit with your legs stretched out in front . Bend your right leg so that your right foot near the right hip . The fingers should be pointing to the rear . Right calf presses against the right thigh . Lean body in a position to put a small folded towel under the left buttock to keep the hips level and even straight forward and extended . Keep your left foot with both hands , inhale and bend forward , keeping your knees together as you stretch forward over the straight leg . Many students have difficulty in this position even reach the foot of the extended leg . Do not despair . Just hold the knee , shin or ankle , and sit , breathe in , in whatever position is best extensions . If the back is tight and the spine inflexible , this will take time . Release the hold and straighten the bent leg . Repeat on the other side .
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Yoga Applications In Cancer Treatment

The cure of cancer through yoga methods , says a specialist in San Antonio , Texas , cancer in a seminar in Oklahoma City in the 1980s .

But physicians refused to acknowledge the cure , said Col. Hansa Raval , MD , a pathologist with the U.S. Army . Dr. Raval said her work in cytotechnology _ a diagnostic branch of medicine designed to detect early stages of cancer _ was fruitless until she began researching the use of conventional methods of treatment .

The specialist said he witnessed the use of Raja yoga and meditation cure crippling arthritis , headaches and even cancer .

And even though Raval offers proof , which she said was collected during two years of study at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in India , has been rejected by other members of the medical profession as a kook .

Yoga success as other treatment methods for hypothesis Raval proposes that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic .

This is not singing or chanting, the doctor said . It is not based on scripture . There is a cult . Not biofeedback . It's more than that . This is a full proof method of meditation , a detailed understanding of what the soul .

Raval said that medical schools belittle the study of methods of conventional cancer treatment in favor of conventional methods such as radiation , chemotherapy and treatment through machines .

Medical schools teach students that the human body only . But the mind has the power to heal the body . By definition , psychosomatic , a combination of mind , or soul and body .

The soul creates the disease , but the body suffers . If the soul creates the disease , the only way to cure it is through the soul . This is a very simple formula : treating the seed problem .

Moreover , parapsychology studies aimed at treating mental illness through medication .

World Spiritual University , which has branches in 30 countries , teaches peace and perfection of health and happiness through the use of Raja yoga . University gained status as a non - governmental United Nations and has offices in the United Nations building in New York .

Raja yoga teaches students to search their soul world for answers about where they came from and why the cancer entered their body . They learn what role religion , stress , family and lifestyle played in the cancer .
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12 - Step Salute to the Sun "An All -Around Yoga"

One of the all-around yoga exercises is coated 12 - steps to the sun . Do it once or twice when you get up in the morning to help relieve stiffness and invigorate the body . A few repetitions at night will help you relax , insomnia often find that six to 12 rounds help them fall asleep .

1 . Stand with your feet slightly apart , palms , thumb your chest .

Two . Inhale deeply, slowly raise your arms over your head , and bend back as much as possible , while tightening your buttocks . Hold for three seconds .

Three . Exhale slowly and bend forward , keeping your knees straight , until your fingers touch the floor outside your feet . ( If you can not touch the floor , go as close as possible . ) Tilt your head to your knees .

April. Slowly inhale , bend your knees , and if your fingertips are not outside your feet on the floor , put it in there . Slide your right foot back as far as you can go , with the right knee an inch of land , ( lunge position ) . Now look as high as possible , arching your back .

May . Before exhaling again , slide the left foot to the right, and with your weight supported on your palms and toes , straighten your legs so that your body forms a flat surface . Make sure your stomach pulled in.

June. Slowly exhale , bend your knees on the floor , bend your hips in the air , lower your chest and forehead to the floor .

July. Now inhale slowly and look , bending the head backwards and then picked up , followed by the upper chest , then lower chest . Lower body - from the navel down - should be on the floor , and your elbows should be slightly bent . Hold for three to five seconds .

August. Exhale slowly and raise your hips until legs and palms on the floor , arms and legs straight in an inverted V position .

9 . Inhale slowly and bring your right foot forward as in position 4 . Feet should be flat on the floor between his fingers . Left leg should be almost straight behind you , with your knees slightly off the floor . Raise your head , look up and arch your back .

10 . Slowly exhale and bring your left foot forward next to the right one . Straighten your legs and stand , trying to keep your hands on the floor and try to touch your head to your knees as in position 3 .

11 . Slowly inhale , raise your hand and stretch back as in position 2 . Do not forget to tighten your buttocks . Hold for three seconds .

12 . Slowly exhale , lowering your arms on the side . Relax. Repeat the series .
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